Wikipedia defines ‘acceptance’ as: “A person's agreement to experience a situation, to follow a process or condition (often a negative or uncomfortable situation) without attempting to change it, protest, or exit.
Religions and psychological treatments often suggest the path of acceptance when a situation is both disliked and unchangeable, or when change may be possible only at great cost or risk.”
I especially have trouble with the “without protest” part. As I also mention, living with Kennedy’s Disease is a journey … a long arduous one of self-discovery. Since "nothing comes into experience uninvited," I must be open (receptive) to both the good and the bad that accompanies these life experiences (changes).
Like anyone living with Kennedy’s Disease, I continue to adapt to the most current loss of capabilities. Drinking glasses that are smaller in circumference or have handles seem to help. Balancing the object (i.e., a plate) on my palm when carrying it also helps. Change … adapt.
Even though I have figured out a bunch of these “work-arounds”, there are still some I am struggling with. For example, buttoning or unbuttoning a shirt and its cuffs. And, my jeans require some strength and dexterity with those two digits. Carving a chicken or turkey often requires the grabbing of a part (i.e., leg or wing) in one hand while cutting it with the other. Flossing teeth … getting to the back ones anyway … require two hands. Touch typing works best with ten digits functioning normally.
I know I will eventually figure these “work-arounds” out … or just end up asking for help. Yet, that does not help the frustrations that come with another loss of capability. And, since I am not normally considered a patient man, acceptance of a new loss can never come fast enough for me.
Learning to live with Kennedy’s Disease is a long and winding road with many obstacles and opportunities. "Acceptance" is what I am working on today. For without it, I will never be able to take the next step on my journey.
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