One positive note about this snowfall is that it is beautiful. It stuck to the trees and made for a “white Christmas.” This is the most snow we have had since we moved hear eight years ago. It just had to come on Christmas.
I have mentioned the joys of living on top of a tall hill in the woods overlooking a lake. This, however, is the one negative. We do not have any road maintenance services. If the road or driveway freezes over, we are locked in until it melts.
Since we both enjoy spending the holidays with the family, not being able to be with them was tough. We also felt bad because my mother-in-law made a huge meal and several of us could not be there to “break bread” together.
On the other hand, our beagle, Fred, has been enjoying himself. The snow was a playground for him. We gave him a rawhide bone (a Christmas present from a neighbor) and he spent an hour burying it in the woods. When we finally called him, he came bounding through the snow about as happy as I have seen him. He will have fun over the next few days digging up and reburying the bone.
Since I can no longer walk very far and not at all on ice or slippery surfaces, I am spending my time inside instead of playing in the snow with Fred. My wheelchair does not operate very well on ice either. Unfortunately, my wife had the arduous task of shoveling the driveway before it froze solid. She is a little stiff today. She always amazes me though. I am one lucky man.
Skype came through, however. My daughter and her family called and it was nice seeing them and getting a tour of their decorated house. We also had a couple of video calls with other family members. So, even though we could not be together physically, we were still together.
Yes, we were disappointed yesterday, but we still have much to be thankful for. We have our health and were safely sitting at home while others were stranded on the roads away from home.
My wife and I also discussed what was happening in California. So many people had their homes destroyed or buried in mud. We cannot imagine how difficult it must be to lose everything. It just proves, no matter how bad you think you have it, someone always seems have it worse.
Stay warm and safe this holiday season.
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