Part I:
What are stem cells and what good are they?
One does not have to go very far to find articles dealing with stem cells. A 0.1-second Google search for “stem cell” returns over 31 million hits. These hits includes not only articles describing what stem cells are but also the possible use in helping treat a myriad of different maladies, from cancer and liver disease to spinal cord injuries and ALS. Also included are over 3.7 million hits dealing with the ethical issues of using stem cells. No matter what feelings you have about stem cell research, there is no doubt that that many believe that stem cells have the potential to revolutionize medical procedures – especially for those with neurological diseases.In this essay, I will not venture into the ethical dilemma associated with stem cells but will restrict myself to the world of science. I will try to describe what are stem cells, how might they be employed to treat KD and what is the current state of the clinical use of stem cells for the treatment of neurodisorders. Since this is a fluid field and this is being written for a lay audience, some may find my simplifications too simple as I may have omitted some information. So please beware!
What are stem cells and what good are they?
It is important to understand, however, that not all cells are the same. We have liver cells, kidney cells, brain cells and even big toe cells. While each of these different cell types originated from the same fertilized egg, the properties and functions of these cells are quite different from each other. A kidney cell cannot, for example, do the work of a nerve cell; different cell types have different structures and different proteins that are specific for their respective functions. If one was to follow the process by which an egg cell becomes a liver cell, one would discover that there are chemical mechanisms by which a nonspecific cell ‘becomes’ a liver cell. This is a highly studied area of cell biology and you can imagine a complex one as well.
This same argument can be made for any cell type in your body. The process by which a specific cell type is formed from a general cell is known as differentiation and the changed cell is said to be differentiated. Once a cell becomes differentiated (that is, once it becomes a specific cell type), it is very difficult to go back and become undifferentiated. Essentially, it is tough to teach a differentiated cell a new trick. An undifferentiated cell that has the ability to become a differentiated cell (of any type) is a stem cell.
In KD, for example, the key cause of symptoms is due to the death of motor neurons, a particular type of nerve cells that controls the contraction of muscle cells. There are no known mechanisms that are capable of naturally replacing a dead or missing motor neuron. Thus once it is gone, one loses the ability to use the muscle cells that it controlled and this ultimately is the cause of the symptoms suffered by KD patients.
What this all means is that in order to treat KD, one must be able to either discover a technique to keep the motor neurons from dying or to discover a process to replace those that have died. The more traditional attempts to treat KD have concentrated on the former approach. Researchers have been hunting for a ‘pill’ that will keep the motor neurons alive and well.
This was the goal of the dutasteride and leuprorelin clinical trials. To replace a dead motor neuron requires the development of new techniques by which stem cells are directed to become motor neurons, and then these new motor neurons are injected into the spinal cord. It is hoped that the new motor neuron can then be induced to make the same connections to the same muscles as did the old, dead motor neuron. As you may imagine, this is a very difficult set of procedures and it presents researchers with a formidable set of problems that they must overcome before stem cell treatment will be SOP.
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