One complaint that I hear regularly concerns the loss of leg and lower back strength. For those people, there are some exercises in the Therapy Skill Builders Guide that will help strengthen your lower extremities. I would recommend that you try these exercises three times a week for the next two to three weeks and see how they work for you.
- All exercises should be done slowly … do not jerk or force the motion … for maximum effectiveness.
- Listen to your body … do not overdo.
- As the exercises become easier, add more reps or a weight to the ankle.
- Lie on your back (bed or floor) with your legs out straight and relaxed.
- Keep your kneecaps pointed toward the ceiling throughout the exercise.
- Slowly slide the left foot toward your buttocks, bending the knee and hip.
- Slowly return to the starting position.
- Perform ten reps (or as many as comfortable) and then switch to the right foot.
B. Quads – Short Arc
- Sit on a firm, flat surface with your legs out straight in front and you hands behind you for support.
- Place a rolled towel under your left knee to bend it about six inches.
- Raise your foot until the knee is straight.
- Hold for five seconds, then relax.
- Perform ten reps (or as many as comfortable) and then switch to the right leg.
C. Hip Abduction
- Lie on your back (bed or floor).
- Keep both legs straight, and your toes pointed toward the ceiling throughout the exercise.
- Slightly lift and move (swing) your left leg out to the side as far as comfortable.
- Slowly return to the starting position and relax.
- Perform ten reps (or as many as comfortable) and then switch to the right leg.
D. Dorsiflexion and Plantarfkexion (Ankle and Foot)
- Sit up straight in a firm chair.
- Point your left foot up toward your knee and hold for five seconds.
- Point your foot straight down away from the knee and hold for another five seconds.
- Perform ten reps (or as many as comfortable) and then switch to the right foot.
E. Quads – Long Arc
- Sit on a sturdy surface high enough that your feet do not touch the floor.
- Grip the sides of the surface for support.
- Straighten your left leg completely (or as close to straight as comfortable).
- Slowly return the leg to the starting position and relax.
- Perform ten reps (or as many as comfortable) and then switch to the right leg.
Important: Before you begin any regular exercise program, please consult with your doctor.
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