I thought I would take a moment today and show you some of the new looks you will see once the site is up and running.
This is the new home page. The sub-sections are now divided into articles focused around the KDA’s mission statement as well as “What is Kennedy’s Disease”, “Help us find a cure”, and “About the KDA”.
The lead page in the “What is Kennedy’s Disease” looks like this. Down the left side is the menu showing all the categories and articles you can access in this section.
This is a picture of the “Promote Research” lead page.
Below is the right portion of the “Provide Support” section lead page.
The right portion of the “Share Information” section looks like this.
The right portion of the “Worldwide Contacts” is shown below.
The right portion of the “Frequently Asked Questions about Kennedy’s Disease” looks like this.
As you can tell, I am excited about this new website. It is using current technology and will allow us to do things our original website would not allow because of the proprietary coding that was used.
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