I was in the office sitting in my desk chair working on the new KDA website. The chair height is a little less than needed, so I use a cushion to raise it a few more inches. The chair is also on wheels and this normally does not create a problem.
This morning, however, I was not feeling quite as strong and when I pushed off with my arms and leaned forward, the chair slid backwards. I could not catch myself and ended up sitting on the floor. I tried getting up, but just did not have the strength. My wife was gone for the day and my options were limited.
I was wearing myself down quickly trying different positions and angles. If I did not come up with a solution soon, I would have to dial “H” for help (i.e., call a neighbor or friend who was available).
As I sat there considering what else to try I looked at my wheelchair and thought, “What if …” I crawled over to the chair and lowered the seat. I then moved a folding chair so that it was near the front of the wheelchair. I laid my upper torso on the wheelchair seat and pushed the “up” button. Walla! My body rose up and up and up. I reached behind, pulled the folding chair closer, and leaned back.
EUREKA! I was sitting comfortably on the chair and could get up without a problem. Afterward as I wiped down the Permobil, I muttered “sweet nothings” to it. It seemed to sense how I was feeling. The whirl and hum of the electric motors seemed to say it was pleased with itself. Mission accomplished!
Excellent thought process, Bruce! Thankfully I have managed to work out a way of returning to the vertical each time I have fallen. Sometimes it can take a little crawl through a patch of mud to a fence or some other permanent structure. My darling wife always knows when I have fallen outside with a patch of mud on backside or knees a tell-tale sign. I try to remember to take my mobile phone with me just in case I need to call on help.