Saturday, October 24, 2009

Safety is Job 1

Back in the 80's and 90's, Ford Motor Company had a slogan that emphasized their focus on quality. Almost every ad ended with, "Quality is Job 1." They wanted their workers as well as the public to know that quality comes before anything else.

After I had experienced a series of falls over a few years (a couple of them serious), my wife decided to launch her own ad campaign. She strung banners throughout the house and garage with the slogan, "Safety is Job 1." She wanted to remind in a not so subtle way that …

  • When I am hurt, I am not the only one that suffers.

It only took me a few more falls and a couple of more broken bones for the slogan to finally sink in. Look, I never said I was a fast learner.

I can now say that if I error, I error on the side of caution. Yes, I have probably given up a little more freedom than I would have liked, but the rewards are well worthwhile.

Over the last sixteen months, my wife's parents have experienced several serious health issues. My wife needed to know that I would be safe and could take care of myself if she had to be away from home. The last thing she needed was for me to fall while she was away. Having to care for me and her parents who are an hour and a half away would just be too much.

So, by listening to her needs and 'living' the slogan, my wife has a little peace of mind when she travels. I have also enjoyed the longest period of my "post-onset" life without a fall. It has been over forty months … NICE!


  1. That picture...

    As soon as I saw it, I told my wife, "Hey, I'm famous, that's a picture of me!!!"


  2. Luis, I believe it is a picture of all of us at one time or another.


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